Tracking & Hunter Wheel Alignment

Hunter Wheel Alignment in North London

The systems are highly accurate and very reliable. Our Hunter equipment provides high quality digital imaging with four precision cameras that measure the positioning and orientation of the mounted reflection targets on all wheels of the car. Using this information, the computer can accurately calculate the current alignment measurements.

It takes only a small misalignment to create problems. This also leads to your tyres being worn down unevenly and can sometimes cause serious problems when out driving. When you notice your car pulling to the side this usually means that your front wheels are not aligned to the rear thrust line. To drive in a straight line, you would probably have to steer the front wheels slightly to the right or left. This can happen from normal wear and tear.

The benefits to having all four wheels aligned is huge:

Better Fuel Mileage: The less resistance there is, the better your fuel economy. Our wheel alignment will set all 4 car tyres up to manufacturers specifications, and along with proper inflation will reduce any resistance.

Improved Handling: If you can feel your car pulling to one side or there are vibrations in your steering wheel this probably means your alignment is out. Most handling issues can be resolved by correcting your alignment.

Safer Driving: Before carrying out any alignment work we will inspect your suspension. This allows us to pin point any potential hazards that can lead to costly fixes.

Contacting Us

The quickest way to contact us is to call


0208 905 9851



2 Horseshoe Close, London, NW2 7JJ